Up Theater pictures by Magda Molin » Drömmarnas berg (High Tor) Prev Next Slideshow

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drömmarnas berg 48 b-8n_bb
drömmarnas berg 48 b-4n_c
  drömmarnas6_aaa.jpg - The mountain is also the home of seven ghosts, who imagine they are survivors from a Dutch ship that sank in Hudson River at this place, right near the Tappan Zee bridge, where the real High Tor is. That was 300 years earlier. They're still talking about watching out for their ship so they won't miss it and so they willl be able to return to Amsterdam.  
drömmarnas berg 48 b-5n_aaa
drömmarnas berg 48 b-6n_a

The mountain is also the home of seven ghosts, who imagine they are survivors from a Dutch ship that sank in Hudson River at this place, right near the Tappan Zee bridge, where the real High Tor is. That was 300 years earlier. They're still talking about watching out for their ship so they won't miss it and so they willl be able to return to Amsterdam. Download
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